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Darting Fish

Fish enthusiasts everywhere are captivated by their fish and love when their fish are active, but how active is too active and when should you know if darting is a problem?

One of the reasons people fall in love with fish is their entertainment value. There is nothing better than watching your fish play in their tank for hours on end. It is so much fun to sit with your children and see your fish behaving as fish do when they play. On occasion while playing, fish will dart about in a quick fashion. That is one of the more exciting things to see. It is great to watch them play chase with one another and dash about the aquarium.

Darting excessively, however, indicates problems in you tank. If you see lots of darting going on with your fish, give them a good visual exam. If they seem to be scratching the sides of their bodies alongside the tank walls or the decorations in the tank, suspect that there is some type of infestation in the aquarium. Look at their mouths, heads, bodies and tails. You’ll be looking for any changes in their physical appearance. If you see films covering the bodies of your fish, discoloration of their bodies, or any unusual material forming on them, there is a problem. These all indicate parasites and fungus. Look into your aquarium handbook for a solution to your particular illnesses. There is a wide variety of medicines with which you can treat your tank.

If the darting seems to come on quickly and get worse fast as well, you may have a problem with the pH in your aquarium. These imbalances are called Acidosis and Alkalosis. Both can be treated fairly easily, but treatment needs to be swift or you could lose all your fish. Use your pH test kit to determine where your water levels are. If you do not have a test kit, take a sample of your tank water to your pet store immediately. Many will test water for free for customers.

Acidosis comes about if the pH in the water is too low for your fish. The faster you move when rectifying the situation, the healthier your fish will remain. Waiting will be fatal. The first thing to do is an immediate water change of at least 25%. Next, ensure that there is enough aeration in the water. If not, check your pump. It may not be putting out enough to meet the water’s needs. If problems persist, remove live plants. Their emissions may be just enough to throw the water out of balance.

Alkalosis is water with a pH level that is too high. Again, you will want to initiate a 25% water change. This may be just enough to bring balance back to your tank. Aeration is also essential for alkalosis. Another key to solving problems with pH level is to ensure that you have a well-cycled filter.

Darting can be fun and games, but it can also be a symptom of bigger problems in your aquarium. Having a bit of education and the right tools on hand makes dealing with darting fish easier to handle.
