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Dog Car Travel Safety

Dog car travel safety is an important part of responsible dog ownership. Many dogs are naturally curious animals, and they will likely enjoy car trips as much as you will. Safety is, of course, of paramount importance when traveling in the car with your dog. Ensure you have taken all necessary precautions to keep your dog from becoming lost or injured. Dog car travel safety is of the utmost importance for your pet.

If you are going to travel in the car with your dog in a carrier, it is very useful to get your dog accustomed to her carrier before you embark on your travels. When introducing your dog to her carrier, allow her plenty of time to explore it and become acclimated on her own. Do not rush her into the unfamiliar carrier! Instead, leave the door open and allow her to walk in and out at will. Be sure the carrier is large enough to comfortably fit your dog, with enough room for her to stand or lay, and turn around. Make appropriate plans to allow her out of the carrier for scheduled “breaks” during your travels.

If you opt not to keep your dog in a carrier while in the car, consider a dog safety seat. Dog car seats include models that boost a dog up to enable her to see out the window, folding seats that can be kept in the car, and hammock-style seat covers with safety harness attachments. Dog car seats keep your pet safely restrained. In the event of an accident, your dog will usually fare far better if restrained. Dog car seats also keep your dog from distracting you while you are driving, keeping everyone safer.

If you will be taking your dog on a long trip and he is not used to traveling, start by making short trips around town. Get him used to not only being in the carrier, but having the carrier loaded into a moving vehicle.

A vital part of dog car travel safety is to never leave your pet unattended in a vehicle. Even if you think it will only be a short stop, bring the dog out of the car either in her carrier or on a leash. In hot weather, even with the windows partially opened, temperatures can reach dangerously high levels in just minutes. In cold weather, your dog’s body temperature can drop when he is confined in a small area and cannot move around enough to keep himself warm. Even if you only intend to leave the dog alone for a few minutes, you run the risk of becoming distracted and leaving your dog suffering.

When driving, the carrier or dog car seat should always be secured in the back seat if your car has front seat air bags. As with small children, the force of an inflating airbag can harm or kill your dog. The safest place for traveling with your dog in the car is in the middle of the backseat, securely tethered in a carrier or dog seat.

Traveling with your dog can be entertaining and enlightening for both of you. And, as with any shared experience, it is a great opportunity for bonding with your pet. Be sure to plan well and prepare early for traveling with your pet. The planning will pay off when you enjoy a relaxing trip together, practicing dog car travel safety.

