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Amphibian Care In An Emergency

Amphibian care in an emergency can spell the difference between life and death for your precious pet. We never know when disaster strikes. It is never pleasant to think about it, but it always pays to be prepared for it. As in first aid in humans, there is also such a thing as amphibian care in an emergency. If you're an amphibian lover, then this article is something you shouldn't miss.

Unlike crisis situations for more conventional pets like dogs and cats, amphibian care in an emergency requires more advanced planning. Evacuation centers, for one, rarely or never at all welcome amphibian pets, so you would need to determine pre-disaster plans for temporary placement of your pet. You should identify a safe place where your pet can be left in case of a disaster, ideally somewhere offsite or a safe place in your own home.

At the first sign of emergency or disaster, evacuate your pet right away. This will ensure his safety and will greatly reduce his stress, as well as your own. You should also have his medical records and/or photos safely with you so in case your pet gets lost, it will be easier to track him down with his identification documents. You should also have a disaster kit ready at all times so it will be easier for you to administer amphibian care in an emergency or disaster. Your disaster kit should include, among others: an airline quality carrier, cage cover, non spill food, water dispensers, two weeks food and water supply, any dietary instructions, first-aid items, paper towels, disinfectants, toys, treats, heat lamp, and a current photo of your pet.

After an emergency or disaster, you should immediately check your pet for any injury or exposure to chemicals. If your pet has incurred lacerations or bites, you should immediately treat it with a combination of sterile water and diluted hlorhexidine diacetate or povidone-iodine. Dressing your amphibian's wounds and using topical antibiotics will also help avoid infections. You should also observe your amphibian and make sure that he doesn't soak himself in his water bowl. Soaking will likely cause him infections and may even prolong the healing of his wounds. Since your pet's bandage can be easily soiled, putting a vetrap, an elastic bandage material, over the bandage is a good protection measure.

After you've treated your pet, make sure you carry out one of the most important aspects in amphibian care in an emergency - which is to provide a safe and comfortable environment for your pet to recover. Amphibians are easily stressed out and this can cause metabolic problems. For faster recovery, you should provide adequate food intake, clean environment, and prescribed medicines. Alongside recovery from physical stress, you would also likely need to treat your pet from psychological stress. Hide boxes that can give your pet a safe retreat is a great recovery technique in amphibian care in an emergency.
