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spaying or Neutering Your Small Pet

When deciding on spaying or neutering your small pet there are many things to take into consideration. You will need to do research to find the pros and cons of spaying or neutering your small pet. We will discuss spaing and neutering some small pets like ferrets, hamsters, and rabbits. Many of the same rules will apply with the other small pets. it is improtant to do your research and know what is best for your small pet.

Ferrets can run into many problems if you do not breed them and they go into heat. This is becuase ferrets stay in heat until they become pregnant. If they are in heat for three weeks they can get bladder infections, bladder stones, loss of hair, and even have bone marrow failure which can cause death. The males will give off an odor and will become aggressive if they are not neutered.

When spaying or neutering your small pet if they are hamsters, guinea pigs, or mice here are a few things to consider when deciding on spaying or neutering your small pet. Normally, males and females are kept seperate unless they are going to mate. If you do not want babies you just do not put males and females together. Since there are no health concerns there is really no reason for spaing or neutering your small pet if it is one of these three.

It is known that rabbits have lots of babies if they are not spayed or neutered. When deciding on spaying or neutering your small pet, a rabbit, there are health concerns to consider. Having your female rabbit spayed will prevent her from getting uterine cancer. Also, neutering your male rabbit will prevent him from getting testicular cancer. Although these are health concerns the surgeries are difficult due to the rabbits anantomy. You should consult your vet and find one that is comfortable and familiar with the surgery.

So as you can see when deciding whether spaying or neutering your small pet is right there are many things to take into consideration. Health concerns are just one of the pros to getting your pet spayed or neutered. Do not just make your decision on if you want your small pet to have babies. This is only one of the things that should go into your decision. Do your research and speak with your vet about spaying or neutering your small pet before you make a decision.
