C&P's Organix Canine Adult Formula Dry Dog Food

C&P's Organix Canine Adult Formula Dry Dog Food

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Organix is the only pet food made with Certified Organic Chicken as the #1 Ingredient in both the Canine and Feline Formulas that meets the USDA organic labeling regulations. With over 70% organic ingredients and a high meat content, you can be assured that your pet is benefiting from an outstanding diet that's highly palatable and highly digestible.    The certified organic chicken in Organix is the same organic chicken that you'll find in your natural food store's chiller! No pesticides, no growth hormones, no synthetic fertilizers, no antibiotics, no bioengineering, no by-products - all are true of our organic ingredients. The organic certification process is extremely rigorous but the benefits to your pet are immeasurable.

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