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Versatile calcium reactor enhances calcium supplementation in reef aquariumsSupplies biologically available calcium to help encourage coral growthEasy-fill design allows convenient addition of calcium reactor mediaSpace-saving calcium reactors allow versatile, in-sump or out-of-sump installation. Hydor Performer CR Calcium Reactors boast user-friendly features to make calcium supplementation in reef aquariums simple and convenient. Performer CR calcium reactors can be installed in-sump to reduce under-cabinet clutter. Easy-fill design allows top access for hassle-free media re-fills. Includes precision bubble counter to help monitor CO2 injection rate within calcium reactor chamber. Reactor media, supply pump, and CO2 system sold separately. andnbsp; For Aquariums Media Capacity Dimensions CR 750 Up to 200 gallons 1.5 gallons 4.7" dia x 23.6" high CR 1500 Up to 400 gallons 2.3 gallons 5.9" dia x 23.6" highPlease click on "More Information" for directions for use.
Versatile calcium reactor enhances calcium supplementation in reef aquariumsSupplies biologically available calcium to help encourage coral growthEasy-fill design allows convenient addition of calcium reactor mediaSpace-saving calcium reactors allow versatile, in-sump or out-of-sump installation. Hydor Performer CR Calcium Reactors boast user-friendly features to make calcium supplementation in reef aquariums simple and convenient. Performer CR calcium reactors can be installed in-sump to reduce under-cabinet clutter. Easy-fill design allows top access for hassle-free media re-fills. Includes precision bubble counter to help monitor CO2 injection rate within calcium reactor chamber. Reactor media, supply pump, and CO2 system sold separately. andnbsp; For Aquariums Media Capacity Dimensions CR 750 Up to 200 gallons 1.5 gallons 4.7" dia x 23.6" high CR 1500 Up to 400 gallons 2.3 gallons 5.9" dia x 23.6" highPlease click on "More Information" for directions for use.
A highly concentrated complex of aquacultured naturally occuring marine phytoplankton. provides necessary proteins carbohydrates and lipids for live hard and soft corals tube worms clams and other invertebrates.
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Add 1 to 2 teaspoons per 50 gallons in an area of high water flow. feed daily or several times weekly depending on animal load.
8 ounces
Nannochloropsis tetraselmis and isochrysis sp tahitian. (all aqua cultured naturally occurring marine phytoplankton.)
Concentrated liquid potassium supplement for reef aquariums A source of potassium, an important component of aragonite Easy-to-dose solution replenishes depleted potassium levels Simplify potassium supplementation in reef aquariums. Concentrated solution replenishes depleted levels of potassium, an important component of aragonite. Potassium is incorporated into the skeletal material of corals and other reef-building marine organisms for growth. Regular dosing of potassium has also been implicated in improving the blue coloration of numerous varieties of small-polyp stony corals. Use Potassion in marine aquariums housing small polyp stony (sps) corals. 500 ml treats up to 5,000 gallons.Please click on "More Information" for directions for use.
Liquidpraziquantel treatment for aquarium parasites Effective against suseptible disease conditions in fresh or saltwater aquariums May also be used as a preventive for flukes, tapeworm, and flatworms The first ready-to-use liquid concentrate praziquantel treatment for aquarium use. Controls disease conditions caused by flukes, tapeworm, flatworm, and internal parasites. Use in freshwater or marine aquariums. Offers rapid control without negatively impacting your biological filtration. May also be used as a preventive. Not recommended for reef aquariums with Feather Duster Worms or other ornamental worms. 4 oz treats 480 gallons, 16 oz treats 1920 gallons.Please click on "More Information" for directions.
Liquidpraziquantel treatment for aquarium parasites Effective against suseptible disease conditions in fresh or saltwater aquariums May also be used as a preventive for flukes, tapeworm, and flatworms The first ready-to-use liquid concentrate praziquantel treatment for aquarium use. Controls disease conditions caused by flukes, tapeworm, flatworm, and internal parasites. Use in freshwater or marine aquariums. Offers rapid control without negatively impacting your biological filtration. May also be used as a preventive. Not recommended for reef aquariums with Feather Duster Worms or other ornamental worms. 4 oz treats 480 gallons, 16 oz treats 1920 gallons.Please click on "More Information" for directions.
This disease preventive contains billions of "protector" bacteria that stop the activity of pathogens so they don't come back in 2nd or 3rd stages, killing your fish. Effective against Ich, closed fins, velvet, body fungus, hole-in-the-head, and vibrio, without chemicals or pesticides. Completely safe for all fish, corals, and aquatic plants. Add 2 teaspoons per 20 gallons first dose, then 1 teaspoon per 20 gallons every 2 weeks. 16 oz. treats 100 gallons for 33 weeks.
Advanced trace and minor element supplement for marine aquariums Quality marine supplement composed of ultra-high purity materials Replaces trace and minor elements used by aquarium fishes, corals, and other invertebrate Provide trace and minor elements necessary for healthy aquarium inhabitants. Scientifically formulated complex replenishes trace and minor elements used by fishes, corals, and other invertebrates. Aggressive protein skimming, in conjunction with normal metabolic activity, can accelerate the loss of important trace and minor elements in aquarium water. These elements are important to numerous enzymatic and vitamin-synthesis reactions in plants and animals.Replenish provides 29 minor and trace minerals, in ratios present in natural seawater. It does not contain minor or trace elements not expressly known to be utilized by marine organisms or take place in chemical interactions. 17 oz treats up to 5,000 gallons.Please click on "More Information" for instructions and guideline.
Advanced liquid coral tissue supplement for aquarium corals Contains amino acids and fatty acids to facilitate aquarium coral care Provides necessary nutrition to corals especially in times of stress Provide important amino acids and fatty acids to corals during periods of stress. Restor aids in tissue repair of corals exposed to changes in lighting, prolonged excessive water temperatures, fragmenting, and captive propagation. Restor is a strong source of EPA, DHA, and other omega-3 fatty acids derived from marine sources. Encourages health, growth, reproduction, and vibrant coloration in all corals and their allies. Target feed, broadcast directly into your aquarium, or use as a food soak. Does not require refrigeration. 17 oz treat up to 5,000 gallons.Please click on "More Information" for instructions and guidelines.
Get your printable 2.00 rebate coupon hereCombination fish medication for effective treatment against IchControls a wide range of external protozoan and fungal diseasesSafer than other medications for scaleless aquarium fishCombination fish medication with two powerful ingredients for effective treatment against Ich. Safer than other medications for scaleless fishes as well as catfish and tetras. Controls Ich and a wide range of external freshwater protozoan diseases including white spot disease, Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella, as well as, saltwater external parasites such as Cryptocaryon and Amyloodinium. Also treats fungal infections in fishes. Contains formaldehyde and a zinc-free chloride salt of malachite green. For use in aerated fresh and saltwater aquariums. Not recommended for use in aquariums containing invertebrates (Mormyrids and freshwater stingrays may also be adversely affected by Rid?Ich+). 4 oz doses 240 gallons. 16 oz doses 960 gallons. Sorry, not available in California.Please click on "More Information" for directions for use.