CFA cat breeds are classified as Natural Breeds, Established Breeds, Hybrids, or Mutations. All CFA-recognized breeds fit into one of these classifications. CFA classification is how the Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) defines different breeds of cats eligible for competition in CFA-sponsored or affiliated events.
To be registered as a Natural CFA cat breed, both parents of the registered cat must be of the same breed. Natural breeds include the following: Abyssinian American Shorthair Chartreux Egyptian Mau Japanese Bobtail (long haired and short haired) Korat Maine Coon Cat Manx (long haired and short haired) Norwegian Forest Cat Persian Russian Blue Siamese Siberian Singapura Turkish Angora Turkish Van
Established CFA cat breeds must have both parents of the same established breed. All ancestors must also be of the same breed as the cat to be registered, or of the breeds that contribute to this breed. Established breeds include the following: Birman British Shorthair Burmese European Burmese Havana Brown Rag doll Tonkinese.
Because some of these breeds are considered relatively new, some individual breed allowances are made. Tonkinese cats that were born before January 1, 1984 were permitted to include Siamese and Burmese cats in their pedigrees. Some limited outcrossing of Havana Browns is also allowed.
Hybrids are breeds developed from two or more existing breeds. Cats to be registered as hybrid CFA cat breeds must have only those breeds needed for the development of their own breed in their pedigrees. The following is a list of breeds in the hybrid class: Bombay: Pedigree must be Bombay, Black American Shorthair, or Sable Burmese Color point Shorthair: Pedigree must be Color point Shorthair or Siamese Exotic: Pedigree must be Exotic or Persian Javanese: Pedigree must be Javanese, Balinese, Color point Shorthair, or Siamese Ocicat: Pedigree must be Ocicat or Abyssinian Oriental (long haired and short haired): Pedigree must be Siamese or Color point Shorthair (for short haired cats); Siamese, Balinese, or Javanese (for long haired cats)
Mutations are natural offspring of Natural CFA cat breeds that show specific mutations from the breed from which they were created. As with hybrids, cats to be registered as mutations must have only those breeds needed for the development of their own breed in their pedigrees. The following are Mutations and the breeds from which they developed: American Bobtail (long haired and short haired): American Bobtail American Curl (long haired and short haired): American Curl, Domestic Longhair, Domestic Shorthair American Wirehair: American Wirehair or American Shorthair Balinese: Balinese or Siamese Cornish Rex: Cornish Rex (curly or straight coated) Devon Rex: Devon Rex, American Shorthair, British Shorthair LaPerm (long haired and short haired): LaPerm, Domestic Longhair, Domestic Shorthair Ragamuffin: Ragamuffin, Ragdoll, Persian Scottish Fold (long haired and short haired): Scottish Fold, British Shorthair, American Shorthair Selkirk Rex: Selkirk Rex, British Shorthair, Persian, Exotic Somali: Somali or Abyssinian Sphynx: Sphynx, American Shorthair, Domestic Shorthair/Domestic Sphynx outcross There are exceptions to these requirements, based on when kittens were born.
As with Established CFA cat breeds, several individual breed allowances were created when the breeds were first admitted to the CFA. For example, Exotic kittens born between July 1, 1975 and April 30, 1987, were also permitted to show American Shorthair parentage. There are also future requirements established by the CFA, including that all Color point Shorthair cats born on or after January 1, 2019 must have only Color point Shorthair parents. Likewise, Ocicat kittens born after January 1, 2015 must have only Ocicat parents to be listed as a CFA cat breed.