Cat ear mites, or Otodectes cynotis, are an extremely contagious parasite passed among cats. These same mites can be transmitted to and from dogs, rabbits, and other animals as well.
Cat infected with cat ear mites will scratch in and around her ears and may shake her head. With a severe infestation, this scratching may cause bleeding in and around the ear canal. If your cat begins to show signs of cat ear mites, it is important to have him checked by a veterinarian. While cat ear mites are one of the most common causes of ear problems among kitties, proper diagnosis is critical to appropriate treatment.
Once ear mites are identified and treatment is started, your vet will most likely recommend that you treat your cat for at least 21 days. Generally, some form of ear drops will be prescribed. Even if only one ear appears to be infected, both ears should be treated, since cat ear mites can easily travel from one ear to the other.
Since ear mites can live on the skin as well as in the ears, you will also need to treat your cat’s skin. Your cat’s environment should be treated as well; ear mites are able to survive off of the host animal. Most products that are used to kill adult fleas will also kill cat ear mites. Be sure to read and follow all label instructions, and ask your veterinarian if you have any questions about the best products for treating your cat’s environment.
Cats can get ear mites from exposure to cats or other animals who are infected. Avoid exposing your cat to any animal with ear mites. If you have more than one animal in the home and one is exposed, talk to your vet about treating all of the pets.
Cat ear mites are generally more annoying than serious. However, if untreated, serious problems could develop. Most cats recover fully from cat ear mites following a vet-prescribed treatment regimen. If cat ear mites are not treated properly, though, permanent hearing loss or serious secondary infections can occur. Be sure to follow any course of treatment prescribed by your vet for its entire duration. Even if your cat no longer displays any symptoms from the ear mites, it is important to follow the full course of treatment.
Cat ear mites are common and, when properly diagnosed, easy to treat. It is important to remember that cat ear mites are highly contagious and all cats and other pets in the household should be checked and, if needed, treated. Treating only the cat showing symptoms may simply drag out the duration of the infestation from cat ear mites.