nutrition is a basic foundation of your dog's health and well-being, so feeding
him the right
food in the right quantities is critical. Quite simply, healthier food means
a healthier dog. Dog food comes in three main forms: hard dry food, canned wet
food, or semi-moist food. The type you select for your dog depends on his breed,
age, activity level, and general health.
Dogs are omnivore, which just means that in the wild they eat both meat and plants. As long as at least ten percent of his calories come from protein, it doesn't matter whether your dog's protein comes from animals or vegetables. Diets that are even higher in protein, up to around 25%, are even better for your dog's health.
Some dogs prefer canned food, which is easier to chew and can be easier to digest than dry food. Many canned foods have a very high concentration of water, and your dog may not receive all the nutrients he needs from canned food alone. Most dogs need a mix of canned or semi-moist and dry foods, since dry foods are important for your dog's dental health. Chewing dry kibble helps reduce plaque buildup on your dog's teeth and gums.
Adult dogs can be fed once or twice a day. Puppies should eat smaller, more frequent meals, and usually need to be fed two to four times a day. The younger the puppy, the more frequently he should eat. If your breed of dog is susceptible to bloat, continue to feed your adult dog two smaller meals each day. Otherwise, you can choose either a single meal or two meals, whichever works better for you and your pet.
Dogs generally do well on a consistent daily diet. Some dogs have
digestive systems, and changes in diet can cause problems. When you
make changes to your dog's diet, do so gradually, over several days or even
weeks. If you have concerns about your dog's health, check with your
veterinarian before making changes to your dog's diet.
Treats can be a great way to reward your dog for good behavior or simply provide a nice snack. Like your dog's food, you should make sure the treats you give him are healthy, and that they are nutritional as well as having behavioral uses. Since dogs are omnivores, some dogs enjoy a treat of fresh carrots or beans as much as any commercially prepared treat. This, like all other choices, will depend on your dog’s personal taste.