'Let's get ready to ... Well not 'rumble'.
Instead we'll consider some possible Boxer dog names.
This breed, known for its noble bearing and strong, expressive face is deserving of a dignified name, but since he is also sometimes called the 'clown of the canine world', it shouldn't be too stuffy. And, of course, any list of Boxer dog names should recognize the Sweet Science, the sport of boxing.
With a new canine companion by your side, consider these Boxer dog names:
- Adrienne: Rocky Balboa's girlfriend in the 'Rocky' movies; played by Talia Shier
- Ali: Muhammad Ali is regarded by most as the greatest boxer of his day
- Bash: After all, that's what boxers do to each other
- Butkus: The name of Rocky Balboa's dog, a Bulldog, in the movie
- Clancy: Legendary trainer
- Duke(s): Slang for one's fists; as in 'Put up your dukes'
- Dutch
- Gent: Rod Steiger played Charley 'The Gent' Malloy in the movie, 'On The Waterfront'
- Gloves
- Hurricane: Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter was a boxer and noted for his wrongful imprisonment
- Ingemar: An uncommon name for an uncommon dog and a famous boxer, Ingemar Johansson
- Jack: Many a dog follows in the footsteps of Jack Johnson, Jack Dempsey, Jack Delaney, Jack Dillon and Beau Jack
- Jackie: Not lots of women in the ring, but this one, Jackie Frazier Kersey, has a boxing pedigree
- Jake: A popular dog name in and of itself, but also reminds us of Jake 'The Raging Bull' LaMotta
- Jersey Joe: As in Jersey Joe Wolcott
- Joe: Simple and direct like a punch from Joe Louis
- Joltin' Joe: Joe Frazier
- Kid: Several famous pugilists had this nickname; Kid Galivan, Kid Chocolate, Kid Berg, Kid Kaplan, Kid Lavigne, Kid Lewis, Kid McCoy and Dixie Kid
- Knock Out: Also KO (shorthand for knock out); or TKO (technical knock out) or Kayo
- Laila: Muhammad's daughter Laila Ali, is the top female boxer of the day
- Lefty: As in a left hook or left jab
- Max: The most popular male dog name also is known in the ring because of Max Baer and Max Schmeling
- Mick: Burgess Merideth's character in the original 'Rocky'
- Pop: Every gym in America used to have a 'Pop' who was a trainer or janitor or cut man
- Punchy
- Rocky: There's Graziano, Marciano and Balboa in the movies
Sugar: Many in the Sweet Science had this sweet moniker; Sugar Ray Robinson, Sugar Ray Leonard, Sugar Ramos and Bert Sugar
- Sonny: Good name for a good dog and also Sonny Liston
- Terry: In the film, 'On The Waterfront', Marlon Brandon 'could a been a contender' as Terry Malloy
- Tiger: There were boxers Dick Tiger and Tiger Flowers
There are many possible Boxer dog names to come from the sport of boxing. Still, any good, strong name with some fight in it should be added to your list of Boxer dog names.