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Exercising Your Horse

The importance of exercising your horse is overwhelming pertinent. Just as in humans, exercise gives your horse longevity of life, happiness and healthy mind and body. You will see a happier horse and one easier to work with.

Regular exercise can be in the form of walking side by side with it, taking a ride on a the horse with it is to go for a walk, trot or run.

You may also use a walking machine. A walking machine is a metal instrument built with a center consisiting of arms off the center. There are a large variety on the market to help you choose which best suit your needs. They are built for walking, jogging or running the horse. The also allow warm-up and cooling down sessions for a better workout for the horse. The arms are used as a lead for the horse.

Make the exercise creative from time to time. Take the horse on a trip to the beach or on a trail. Just as you do not enjoy seeing the same walls everyday, the time away from the stable walls, the arenas and the circular walks of the ranch or farm. This will make the horse excited to get out from home and be out moving about in a different enviornment.

When traveling it is import to allow your horse to move about during the road trip. They are in a small narrow trailer without much movement. They need to move about and stretch their legs. Be sure when allowing them to stretch on a road trip it is in a safe place away from traffic and people. The exercise will lessen leg cramping, colic and will ease the stress while traveling with horse; as it will also do for you.

Very similar to the trainer or owner of the horse, exercise is helpful in building up the muscles, tendons and ligaments, throughout the body. It helps build and strengthen the internal organs, such as the lungs and heart. If exercise is given to the horse regularly, the horse will build stamina, endurance and their immune system.

A horse, or any pet, is like a child. They do not like to be confined all day without any play, interaction or companionship. It makes their temperament much easier to work with if they are worked with and exercised at least 1-2 times a day. Exercise will lead the horse to a happy, healthy and productive life for the owner and the horse.

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