Raisin Trail Mix For Small Animals

Raisin Trail Mix For Small Animals


Trail mix with tropical fruits & nuts for sml anmla wonderfully wholesome treat. specially blended for pet birds tropical fruits & nuts for sml anlcontains a variety of fruits and nuts including tasty raisins almonds cherries

Product Details
Provide your sml anml a small quantity in add to its normal daily diet. you can either place this in his or her food dish or in a separate treat dish. you may also hand-feed portions should not exceed 1 teaspoon for smaller animals
4 ounces
Raisins shelled peanuts dehydrated papaya dehydrated pineapple roasted soybeans chopped almonds. cherries soybean oil salt sugar non-fat dry milk palm kernel oil yogurt powder lecithin vanilla.

Additional Information

UPC 022053994877
Weight 1.1200