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Choosing Freshwater Fish

There are many ways to go about choosing freshwater fish. These tend to be thought of as easier to take care of than saltwater fish but freshwater fish can be just as challenging. All it takes is a little research to learn which freshwater fish will be perfect for you. This will give you some insight into the more commonly known freshwater fish helping you to decide which breed may be right for your tank. You have already made the first decision of freshwater or saltwater now lets dive in and find you the perfect freshwater fish.

When choosing freshwater fish one fish that may come to mind is the Catfish. Catfish tend to be good with other fish. This is important to know about the fish you are wanting to get if you are getting different breeds. Also, remember that there are many different kinds of Catfish and each one is slightly different. The downsides to Catfish are they can get extremely large (over seven feet) and some are nocturnal. Another option when choosing freshwater fish are schooling fish. Two examples of schooling fish are Neons, and Cardirai Tatras. These fish are very compatible and make the owners life simple. It does this by helping you to know when the tank is out of balance. THis will be obvious to you because one of the fishes will be acting different than the others. Since they are all alike you can tell when this is occuring. Another thing you need to look into when choosing freshwater fish is algae eating fish. Some example of algae eating fish are Bristle Noses and Clown Plecostomus'. This will be a big help to you in keeping the algae under control. Another type of freshwater fish are the Oscars. If choosing freshwater fish leads you down this path beware that they do eat other fish. If you keep these few things in mind you will have a happy, beautiful, and balanced freshwater fish tank.

Choosing freshwater fish can be very exciting but rushing into it will only cause you pain. Take your time and do your research to find out if schooling fish or catfish are better for you and which breed is going to keep your alga under control. All of this will make a difference saving you time and money in the long run. See that was not so bad now you can make your second decision, choosing freshwater fish that are perfect for you.

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