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Small Pet Safety Tips

Small pet safety tips will keep your little creatures safe and healthy. Being the intelligent, eternally lively and curious little creatures that they are, owners can never do without the following small pet safety tips.

Choosing pet cages that are made of chew-resistant metal is among the top small pet safety tips there is. Chew-resistant cages provide long lasting protection, and are easier to clean as well - all you need to do is wipe off the wire and you're done. Chew items also keep your little friend busy enough from gnawing on other cage items. Being the natural chewer that he is, he'd be more than happy to munch on chew blocks, sticks, or chemical-free branches.

Small pet cages in wires again present an advantage over plastic cages and aquarium because of its openness. Ventilation can be a major problem with plastic cages with compartments, trapping air resulting to poor air quality.

If you allow your pet to play outside his cage, then small pet safety tips that will come in handy include storing cleaners, medications, pesticides, and other harmful chemicals in a secured area; and putting away mouse or roach traps where your little pet could not reach them.

Equally important small pet safety tips concerning food and nutrition abound. First, it is important to feed commercial treats to your little pet - regardless if it's a guinea pig, rat, or rabbit - in moderation. Many of the prevailing commercial treats are simply empty calories but contain loads of fat and sugar that may interfere with your pet's nutritional needs.

If you have a rabbit, you should know that he has similar nutritional requirements as a guinea pig. Rabbits love pellets, apples, green vegetables, and will love your forever if you give them their regular dose of carrots. Remember, though, not to give large amounts of greens to your pet rabbit, as this may lead to stomach pains and diarrhea. But take note of this: while rabbits and guinea pigs have similar nutritional needs, never ever feed guinea pigs with rabbit pellets because these may contain antibiotics that can be toxic to your little pig.

Guinea pigs, on the other hand, do best with pellets, unlimited grass, hay, and vegetables. Unlike rats, guinea pigs do not digest nuts and seeds well, so better stay out of it if you have these pigs as pets.

Another priority among small pet safety tips: never use medications that are prescribed for other animals, unless your veterinarian says so. If your small pet has ticks and fleas, never use flea powders, flea dips or anti flea and tick shampoos - again without your vet's consent - because these might not sit well with your little pet. Should your vet approve of any flea product, you will have to use this continuously, usually at least once a month, to make sure that all fleas and their eggs have been killed. While medications can eliminate fleas and eggs in your vicinity, you would also have to thoroughly sanitize your pet's cage, bedding, and your entire house. Keeping your small pet safe and sound is not as difficult as it may seem. These small pet safety tips could be your first step towards nurturing a healthy and accident-free companionship.
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