Adopt a Horse from an adoption program or rescue shelter and you are proving a deprived creature shelter and care it deserves. Here's everything you need to know about adoption.
Adopt a Horse -- Reasons and Facts
Why Adopt:
Adopting a horse will provide a homeless animal the care and shelter it deserves.What Pet to Adopt:
There are many breeds you can choose to adopt. The breed is often a personal choice and there are breed specific adoption homes that house the particular breed you have in your mind. In case you are not particular about breed, you can gather advice from nearest adoption homes or the internet for information about breeds and then you could decide upon the best choice for your need.When to Adopt:
Adopting a horse is no easy thing and never do the mistake adopting on a whim. Horses are expensive to maintain and are require lots of resources like space, stables, feed, tack supply, medical expenses, etc. When you are really prepared to provide all that to your horse, then you should start searching for a right animal.
Adopt a Horse -- Where to Look
There are hundreds of rescue groups and adoption shelters with their own websites on the net. You can gather a plethora of information about the breeds these groups deal with, their history, horses available, adoption process, etc from the internet.Classifieds:
Classifieds will often list your local rescue groups and adoption programs in your area.Pet Shows:
Pet Shows are not the best source for adoption.Local Vet:
Your local vet will usually know of any horses available for adoption. Many vets are often employed by local adoption groups to provide medical attention to the horses there.
Adopt a Horse -- What to Look For
Pet Temperament:
Sometimes horses are abused or mistreated by previous handlers and such animals suffer from maladjustment problems like nervousness, excited temperament, short temper, etc. Make sure such creatures have been treated before they are up for adoption.Pet's Surroundings:
Check the atmosphere at the adoption home. Horses demand more resources than other animals in terms of turnout area, daily grooming, health demands, etc. Many adoptions home strive to provide major necessities. Try to ascertain that the horses are at least comfortable there.Pet's Health:
This is one important aspect to verify. Many injured horses turn up for adoption and though in many cases the injury is minor, it is advisable to check the health condition before you adopt. Ask for inoculation, deworming, and medical history. Ask for Coggins Test reports.What to Avoid:
Never go for horses with temperament problems or unhealthy horses unless you are an experienced breeder. Often such adoptions end up with dissatisfied owners and the horse being returned back to the adoption home.
Adopt a Horse -- How to Choose
Type of Pet:
Many horses up for adoption are thoroughbreds retired from racing and the retirement age is 14. However, you could also find younger horses or other breeds if your choice varies. Some breeds may be difficult to locate and may take time or expense.Supplies & Equipment:
All the usual horse supplies like stable, tack, feed and maintenance supplies are mandatory.Expense:
Adopting a horse is cheaper than buying one. However, some adoption houses may make it mandatory the horse be vaccinated, and dewormed for a year after adoption. Apart from that, you should buy all the equipment needed to raise a horse.